Shedding light amidst pandemic
In fulfillment of the Midterm Course Assessment for BMMA106 - Writing for New Media, the A.Y. 2020 - 2021 batch of Bachelor of Multimedia Arts (BMMA) students were assigned to accomplish a collaborative project with Malayan Colleges Laguna's (MCL) College of Arts and Science (CAS) and MCL's Center for Service-Learning and Community Engagement (CSCE) aiming to sustain continuous learning amidst the global pandemic. The project was to build a website for MCL's partner school, Pulo Elemenary School Cabuyao, with the target beneficiary as pre-elementary school teachers. The website serves as teacher's portal where supplementary learning materials for their students are readily-made available.
For this particular project, I was assigned to be an SLA head for our section, B97. I collaborated with section A97 as well, but the success of the project would not be completed with the help of the current batch and especially for the other heads I worked with; the Art Director of our class, Gianella Isles; the content editors, Maryan Recio and Wendy Gapac. Of course, I also offer my sincerest gratitude for our professor, ma'am Jhona Gamez, for helping and entrusting us a simple yet meaningful task. Below are some contributions I gave for the project.


In general, I always see to it that I coordinated well with our class' heads, professor, and A97's SLA head (not only at the beginning, but until the very end of the project). Specifically for our section, I helped in establishing timelines and deadlines essential to have a smooth progress; in suggesting ideas essential for any situation encountered; and in listening and adjusting to plans needed for compliance.

One of my contributions that can be physically seen in the website is the site's introductory paragraph (or the welcome statement, what have you). This can be seen immediately in the home page of the site.

Initially, one of the tabs assigned for one of our editors is the 'Colors' tab. Generally, I collaborated with Maryan Recio with the best of my capabilities by answering some of what her and the whole team needed, especially at times of clarifications and revisions.

The other tab assigned was the 'Hygiene' tab wherein I collaborated with Wendy Gapac by answering clarifications as well. Generally, I also suggested methods on how to communicate with the team assigned for the heads.

Overall, keeping a smooth and progressive workflow by coordinating, collaborating, listening, and adjusting methodologies were the profound contributions that I gave for the duration of the project.
If you are wondering where the website can be accessed, just click the link below and do not hesitate to share it with other people as well!

In addition to all of that, the website is also linked to MCL CSCE's YouTube channel. This is where learning materials can also be accessed and utilized. Part of this successful channel was providing insights to what shall initially be seen, most especially for its logo and final channel name as well.
Visit and share the site as well with your fellow colleagues! Just click the link below!